This past Thursday was Mrs. Stratton’s last “official” day serving St. Joseph Parish and School. We will miss her dearly and wish her the best of everything as she retires!
We Bid Adieu
In the quiet hum of the school halls, echo the memories, countless and small, of a secretary, steadfast and true, wearing many hats, we bid adieu.
Greeting each child with a welcoming smile, she made every moment, every visit worthwhile, recording attendance, lunch and tuition, the gifts that she shared have come to fruition.
Keeper of secrets, a confidante dear, a calming presence, always so near, forever eager with a helping hand, gaining order from chaos, sometimes taking a stand.
Nurse in disguise, with a comforting touch, band aids and ice packs, soothing so much, a trip to the sick room, a blanket in hand, reassuring the students that all would be grand.
Gentle voice of the school, on the phone each day, a fount of knowledge, come what may, answering questions, calm and clear, her patience unfailing, year after year.
Counselor, mentor, friend indeed, in every role, she would succeed, her wisdom, her kindness, a pillar for us, being the hands and feet of Jesus a must.
So it's time to close this chapter here, to rest and relax, and give grandkids a cheer, but her legacy here will remain forever, in the hearts she touched, right here and wherever.
Dear Carol Stratton, with hats so many, your care for us is worth more than any! With gratitude deep and a fond adieu, we wish God’s blessings and joy for you!
We love you, Mrs. Stratton!
With hearts full of gratitude!
St. Joseph School Community